Saturday, March 22nd, 2025 is #OrvalDay!
Brewed by Catholic monks at a monastery founded in the 1100s, this unfiltered, dry-hopped, 6.9% beer has spicy, earthy notes with hints of fruit. The addition of Brettanomyces yeast is what creates the magic of Orval. The Brett changes the complexity of the beer as it ages and adds a beautiful dry finish. No two bottles taste the same. Come learn the story about how a woman named Matilde, a lost wedding ring, and a trout created this legendary "golden valley" beer.
To make it extra special, the first 15 guests to drink an Orval at the bar will also receive a free Orval Chalice to take home (limit one per customer)- courtesy of Merchant du Vin, distributor of Orval Trappist Ale.
*Each year, Merchant du Vin makes a donation to a charity based on US sales of Orval on Orval Day. This year, 50 cents of every bottle sold will be donated to the US National Forest Foundation.